Saturday, April 29, 2006

Feeling Good

Was sitting by the roadside in HN, on the ledge in galleria below Mocha. For those of you who don't know, Hiranandani (HN) is a private society close to IIT. It's where we go to drink coffee (CCD or Rodas or Monginis), eat lunch and dinner, buy/read books (crossword) and in the baccha days even check out women. Anyhow, being a privately owned area, it sports the cleanest roads in Bombay and is a nice place to hang out at, specially in evenings.

So anyway.. right across the road the driver of one of those huge SUVs tossed a crumpled piece of paper out of the window and very shamelessly littered the otherwise clean road. Unfortunately for him, my eyes had drifted to that side of the road just in time to have caught the inconspicuous little crime. I discussed with Varun over how I feel like going up there and make him remedy the act. But like always something was holding me back.

the paper... and the driver... was it just the lethargy.. or was it the promised inconsequentiality of the effort... maybe I am a big phattu.. something was holding me back... but the paper... "i think you're hot" ... the paper... what has happened... asking a girl for a coffee... aditi... job interview... phattu.. the paper once again... varun saying something.. change in career path.. economics.. ngo.. pritam.. ah crap .. but the paper.

15 minutes later I was happily seated in front of Varun talking the same way, with only three things having changed - the piece of paper was in a dustbin, the driver (and a few kids in the car) had learned an important lesson and most importantly - I had tons more of self-respect.


Cross-posted the earlier bit from LJ. Just happened to post there for sentimental reasons. But there was another reason which made me feel a little good too. Disliking someone for no apparent reason is such a bad feeling. Gives way to a lot of guilt which is tough to get rid of. Thankfully, the dislike I am talking about is to some extent mutual and makes me feel so relieved. Though I can really be shady sometimes but not to the extent of being disliked.

This recent discovery served as the final clinching proof to my theory about my dislike for people. It's tough for me to not like anyone. I don't remember being such a person. The first guy I remember whom I disliked for a classmate in school. In class 10th, he explicitly told me things which were not only insulting but extremely false too. That was the day I first disliked any person. Six years later, the list has grown considerably as everyone around has grown up with the little devil inside having lost its simplicitly. Even now, as the theory says, I only don't like those people who I feel have issues against me. Priyanka J affirmed my theory the last time about six months back... and recent developments only helped me to feel less bad about myself.

Long live my theores. :)