Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In search of a new blog...

I shall take a while before settling on to some new blog. But life@iitb is definitely becoming defunct pretty soon. For the time being I am going back to my second oldest (and most used) blog on LJ - My Journal

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

B'day Present

Some people get this on their birthday... (GHB, feelin' jealous? :P)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


His eyes gleamed with the thought of it. The plan seemed perfect in his head. Though he would have preferred to do everything on paper, while paying attention to the minutest of details, but he was afraid of getting caught. Besides, having no material evidence was perfect. That way he could forget everything. It wasn't a hasty decision. It was carefully weaved over several months. Even in his mind, he went through every single detail - including the body perfume he would use to overpower his natural scent.

The day of execution had arrived, literally. For how many, is the only question he didn't have an answer to. But it hardly mattered to him. He had resigned to the will of destiny long back. So long back that he couldn't even remember the day he transformed from a bespectacled nerd, considered an authority in corporate law in the entire college. He believed in himself. And his dreams. Dreams which would take him so high that moon would stop appearing as a distant celestial object.

Oblivious to his engrossment in all the three dimensions of time, two eyes hidden behind black goggles were observing him intently. They belonged to a lean figure, which had a dominating presence, but at the same time was inconspicuous. His face carried a grim expression - that's how Premonition would have looked. There was something inexplicably weird about him. He was unusually inanimate, yet alive. He didn't seem to be breathing air... but he was definitely inhaling something. Hours passed by. Still he stayed there, as motionless as a cold man, with his gaze fixed on the conspiring man.

Schlemiel will be the name he'll introduce himself to the doorman. It was ironic. But everything is ironic depending upon how many parts are visible to you. Anyway, the doorkeeper accepted the name without a trace of suspicion and admitted him inside the house. Schlemiel's eyes lazily moved around every corner of the room. Everything was splendid. He liked the ceiling the most. It was perfect. No stains, no fashionable masonry. Nothing to blemish the perfection. He liked everything this way. Stunningly white. Anything interfering in the integrity of it troubled him beyond relief. The house reminded him of his school days...

Reed nodded.

Schlemiel felt inkling in his right wrist. Involuntarily he looked at his wristwatch. It was time. He ran across the room, the hallway, another room. He wasn't bothered about being spotted - cause no one would. He had done his homework. Before long he was standing next to the door of a bathroom. He could hear the shower and silhouette of a woman under it. He lips curled up into a wicked smile. The exact smile that was on Reed's face too. Reed, who was still observing him, was as motionless as ever. The wicked smile was like a loud laughter in that pin-drop silence, mocking the promise he had made to that girl. She was fat and ugly and stupid. No man, certainly not one good-looking and charming as Schlemiel, could have made those promises of love to such an ugly bitch. But she fell for him. Her father had warned her to keep away from men. He knew how cruel the world is. Evidently, the daughter hadn't listened to him.


He was only 12 when his parents were brutally murdered right in front of his eyes, all for a few dollars and courage. Orphaned and homeless, he was 19 now and had seen everything that fell under the domain of the word cruelty. But today she shall have his revenge. Not from the very murderers who rendered him homeless, but from the society. It was the society who had created those monsters. But he had no means of accomplishing what he wanted to. His plan required money, lots of it. It was imperative that he become a hugely successful in the eyes of this evil society and then carry-out his work. He was convinced about the nobility of his aim and was willing to do anything to realize it.

His eyes involuntarily took a break from the intense planning and fell on the latest edition of The Morning Post. A business tycoon along with his family was brutally murdered in his very mansion. “Served him right”, he thought. Schlemiel was the name of the man suspected to have killed them. Some recognized him as the tycoon’s daughter’s lover. He chuckled at the irony. Suddenly his face grew rigid and stern. Schlemiel, yes that’s the name he would use too. An identical story will be seen in tomorrow’s newspaper. No one would know. No one.

Reed just smiled, looking at the latest Schlemiel in creation. How easy did he find to manipulate people? Making them do what he wanted them to do. Give them an excuse to overcome the guilt, and they’ll do almost anything.

Reed. He called himself G Reed.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I was writing a story yesterday. But with too many people using this comp to watch f.r.i.e.n.d.s I was unable to finish it. Will do so after going home and maybe write a few more. So anyway, after what seemed like an eternity (of laziness), I'l' be going home for a few days. Plan is to make short trips to Jaipur, Delhi and Bangalore after that. If anyone reading this post belongs to any of these 3 towns, do message.

Priyanka J: 0291 2544560 :)
Lakesidey: Please make some plans, fast. The boy (that's me) and the old man (that Ghaza) really really want you here living with us (and out budget as of now is 11.5k).

Thursday, May 25, 2006



Tuesday, May 23, 2006


For people familiar with Orkut (in other words everyone):

Today's fortune:
You are contemplative and analytical by nature


Monday, May 22, 2006

Reservation Policy

In IIT/Medico or not, general category or not, selfish or not. Whichever side of the or one may lie on, it's tough to not feel strongly against the recently announced Reservation Policy in its present form. I have vague memories of the protests that happened after the Mandal Commisson Report in 1993. The protests were seldom violent but still weren't allowed by the erstwhile Govt. to be used as a means of expressing disagreement with the policy. And the occasional violence that did happen was because police drew the first blood. Indifference shown by policy makers fueled the protests with an extreme case of a student inflaming himself in front of media.

Little did I know back then that in just over a decades time an identical crisis will hit the nation once again. Ofcourse, the reason I call it a crisis is because it directly affects a large section of students to whom I can closely relate to. Crisis also because it highlights the dismal attitude of politicians to sacrifice the future of the hard-working youth for vote bank. What's more hilarious is that the parliament was unanimous in support of the proposition.

Story doesn't end here. While Arjun Singh (HRD minister), with his well-known jealousy for Manmohan Singh, is the apparent culprit, many believe that he's being used as the scape-goat by the UPA Govt. PM side of the story is even more amusing. Immediately after the quota was announced, Manmohan Singh commented saying "we're doing everything we can..." Ghaza's interpretation of this statement seems pretty reasonable, given the academic/intellectual and political background that PM boasts. As per Ghaza, it's a trade-off Manmohan Singh has to do to stay in office and hopefully be in position to take more critical decisions for the country & that the we indicated that he is not in support of the move.

Yes, my last statement clearly implies that such a reservation policy, IMHO, will hardly contribute (in any way) to the development of the country. With an in-take percentage far lower than the leading colleges of the world, even with OBC quota these central universities will remain enriched with the same talent pool as earlier. What might change is the motivation level of these people as they won't know the value of what has been given to them. Here, I firmly believe, it's the so-called responsible crowd (the professors and the apparent victims of the policy) who need to rise up to the occasion and make sure this taken-for-granted attitude is short-lived and true hard work is required.

What makes the discussion questionable is the unavailability of credible stats pertaining to the issue. I am yet to see an effective use of authoritative data in any arguement made for or against the policy. Leaving aside the corrupt motives of UPA govt. (using socialistic principles as a sheild), the main arguement used by the protesters is on the unfairness that the policy dictates upon the deserving students. Ironically, how deserving a candidate is of receiving such quality education can only be gauged by the justice he does to the education and resources once he has completed it. Not entering the medical domain and strictly sticking to IIT, I see only a handful who can say with conviction that they deserved every bit of it. The others are just hypocrite bastards not realizing that they have been twice lucky in their life - once to have born in a family which provided them the opportunity and later when they passed JEE - which as we all know is a day's game.

Going further, why the sudden social awakening on part of the students? Wasting nation's money is never an issue for them, behaving irresponsibly has never stirred any such emotions inside them ever, getting fake income certificates and availing scholarships has never burdened their conscience... there are sooo many other things. Well, they are doing what they deem best. Meanwhile, I am arguing why I should not stand in the sun and stay hungry with an agenda (as I anyway starve myself half the time) and instead sit idle in the room doing nothing but laughing at the matter.

PS: Never am I saying that a protest should not happen. It's important for several reasons, specially in a country where democracy hardly exists as the to-be suffering class doesn't exercise its vote anyway. Why should any politician care about people who don't care about most issues but a couple that hit them directly in the eye?